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Fundamental Experiments in Chemistry 基础化学实验
分类 高教类
ISBN 978-7-5618-7359-5
尺寸 正16
字数 284
出版社 天津大学出版社
作者 冯霞,余莉萍,高洪苓,魏玉萍,李珅
印次 1印
版次 1版
定价 20.00
印张 8.75
包装 平装
出版日期 2023-01-15
印刷日期 2023-01-15
页数 120
购买地址 https://item.jd.com/10069511757268.html

内容介绍 编辑

本书是高等学校化学、 化工、材料等专业本科生( 留学生)的基础化学实验教 材。内容包括无机化学、分 析化学、物理化学、有机化 学和仪器分析的27个基础实 验,还介绍了与实验相关的 基础知识、安全要求、基本 操作和典型仪器等。本书是 新形态教材,除纸质内容外 ,还以二维码的形式提供了 实验教学幻灯片,以方便学 生(特别是学习在线课程的 学生) 本教材也适合准备出国 留学的学生和从事英文教学 与研究的教师及技术人员使 用。使用。

图书目录 编辑

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Course Objective
1.2 General Requirements and Guidelines
1.3 Samples of Lab Report
Chapter 2 Basic Knowledge of Chemistry Experiments
2.1 Safety in Chemistry Laboratory
2.2 Error and Accuracy
2.3 Data Processing
2.4 Basic Techniques
2.5 Measurement of Physical Quantities
Chapter 3 Analytical Chemistry Experiments
Experiment 3.1 Use of Analytical Balance
Experiment 3.2 Pipetting and Titrating Practice
Experiment 3.3 Preparation and Standardization of HCl Solution
Experiment 3.4 Determination of Total Alkalinity of Mixed Alkali
Experiment 3.5 Preparation and Standardization of EDTA Solution
Experiment 3.6 Continuous Determination of Pb2+ and Bi3+ by EDTA Titration
Chapter 4 Inorganic Chemistry Experiments
Experiment 4.1 Purification of CuSO4·5H2O
Experiment 4.2 Synthesis of Oxalate Complex K3[Fe(C204)3]·3H2O
Experiment 4.3 Important Properties of Non-metallic Compounds of p-block
Experiment 4.4 Important Properties of Chromium (Cr) Compounds
Experiment 4.5 Important Properties of Compounds of ds-block
Experiment 4.6 Preparation of Na2S2O3·5H2O
Chapter 5 Physical Chemistry Experiments
Experiment 5.1 Temperature Control Using Thermostatic Bath
Experiment 5.2 Equilibrium Constant of Dissociation Reaction
Experiment 5.3 Thermodynamics of Galvanic Cell
Experiment 5.4 Saponification of Ethyl Acetate
Chapter 6 Organic Chemistry Experiments
Experiment 6.1 Synthesis of Ethyl Acetate
Experiment 6.2 Synthesis of Acetanilide
Experiment 6.3 Synthesis of 1-Bromobutane
Experiment 6.4 Synthesis of Benzoic Acid
Experiment 6.5 Synthesis of Indan-1,3-dione
Chapter 7 Instrumental Analysis Experiments
Experiment 7.1 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Analysis of Trace Copper
Experiment 7.2 Electrogravimetric Determination of Copper in CuSO4·5H2O
Experiment 7.3 Gas Chromatography Analysis of Ethanol, Propanol and Butanol
Experiment 7.4 Determination of Fluoride in Water with lon Selective Electrodes
Experiment 7.5 Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) Spectroscopy of Phenols
Experiment 7.6 Spectrophotometric Determination of Iron Using 1,10-Phenanthroline
Chapter 8 Appendix
8.1 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (TU-1901)
8.2 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (iCE 3300)
8.3 Visible Spectrophotometer (722S)
8.4 Gas Chromatograph

作者介绍 编辑


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Experiment 3.1 Use of Analytical Balance


Experiment 3.2 Pipetting and Titration Practice


Experiment 3.3 Preparation and Standardization


Experiment 3.4 Determining the


Experiment 3.5 Preparation


Experiment 3.6 Continuous Determination


NAIT Pipetting Technique


NAIT Solution Preparation


NAIT Titration Technique using a buret


Expt 4.1 _Purification of CuSO4


Expt 4.2_Preparation of K3[Fe(C2O4)3]·3H2O 1


Expt 4.3 _P-block


Expt 4.4_d-block


Expt 4.5_ds-block


Experiment 5.1 Temperature Control


Experiment 5.2 Equilibrium Constant


Experiment 5.3 Thermodynamics


Experiment 5.4 Sopnification of ethyl acetate


6.1 Synthesis of Ethyl Acetate


6.2 Synthesis of Acetanilide


6.3 Synthesis of 1-Bromobutane


6.4 Synthesis of Benzoic Acid


6.5 Synthesis of Indan-1,3-dione


Experiment 7.1 Atomic Absorption


Experiment 7.2 Electro-gravimetric


Experiment 7.3 Gas Chromatography


Experiment 7.4 Determination


Experiment 7.5 Ultraviolet-Visible


Experiment 7.6 Spectrophotometric

