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Building Environment and Service System
分类 建筑/建工类- 城市规划/市政工程
ISBN 978-7-5618-7421-9
尺寸 正16
字数 669
出版社 天津大学出版社
作者 侯国英,魏绅
印次 1印
版次 1版
定价 68.00
印张 20
包装 平装
出版日期 2023-12-12
印刷日期 2023-12-12
页数 320
购买地址 https://item.jd.com/14352270.html

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图书目录 编辑

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The Link between Architecture and Environment
1.2 The Link between Architecture and Human
1.3 The Link between Architecture and Technique
Chapter 2 Building Outdoor Environment
2.1 Natural Climate Elements and Characteristics
2.1.1 Solar Radiation
2.1.2 Air Temperature
2.1.3 Atmospheric Humidity
2.1.4 Daylight Climate
2.1.5 Wind Direction and Wind Speed
2.1.6 Condensation and Precipitation
2.2 Climate Modification and Monitoring
2.2.1 Climate Change
2.2.2 Urban Heat Island
2.2.3 Weather Stations
Chapter 3 Building Thermal Environment
3.1 Physical Factors Affecting Indoor Thermal Environment
3.1.1 Building Fabric and Thermal Mass
3.1.2 Transfer of Heat and Moisture
3.1.3 Thermal Performance of Semi-transparent Structures
3.2 Human Response to Thermal Environment
3.2.1 Human Thermal Sensation
3.2.2 PMV-PPD Model
3.2.3 Adaptive Thermal Comfort Model
3.2.4 Local Thermal Discomfort Models
3.3 Thermal Comfort Evaluation Methods
3.3.1 Important Standards
3.3.2 Subjective Measurement
3.3.3 Objective Measurement
Chapter 4 Indoor Air Quality
4.1 Indoor Air Pollution
4.1.1 Sick Building Syndrome
4.1.2 Classification of Pollutants
4.1.3 Sources and Routes of Pollution
4.2 Indoor Air Quality Requirements
4.2.1 Indoor Air Quality Standards and Parameters
4.2.2 Indoor Pollution Control Methods I
4.2.3 Indoor Air Filter
Chapter 5 Building Service Engineering
5.1 Classification and Operation of Building Service System
5.1.1 Mechanical and Electrical Services
5.1.2 Duties of a Building Service Engineer
5.1.3 Building Design: Key Steps & Considerations
5.2 Appropriate Level of Equipment Design
5.2.1 Ventilation System
5.2.2 Heating System
5.2.3 Air Conditioning System
5.2.4 Lighting System
5.3 Modern Intelligent System i
5.3.1 Building Management System I
5.3.2 Intelligent Buildings
5.3.3 Dynamic Building Performance Simulation
5.3.4 Commercial Buildings and Their Systems
Chapter 6 Low Carbon Building Design Strategy
6.1 Building Energy Usage and Carbon Emission
6.1.1 Building Energy Usage
6.1.2 Building Carbon Emission
6.2 Sun and Building
6.2.1 Building Sunshine
6.2.2 Solar Shading in Buildings
6.3 Occupant Behavior vs. Building
6.3.1 Occupant Behavior vs. Building Energy
6.3.2 Better Understanding Occupant Behavior
6.3.3 Changing Occupant Behavior

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